Scorpion Karate-Do Founder
Master I.M James is recognized as the Soke (Founder) and Master Instructor of United Scorpion Karate-do Association Inc. and Kickboxing. Master James Charts the path of the (USKA) for the future. Master James also sets the curriculum and guidelines for the United Scorpion Karate-do Association and its members. Master I.M James holds Master Dan rank and is Internationally Certified through the Independent Karate Schools of America (IKSA) and the Independent Martial Arts Federation (IMAF) to determine Rank Belt Promotions and Advancements in Scorpion Karate-do & USKA Kickboxing. Master I.M James has a vast wealth of wisdom and knowledge that sets the example of skill that everyone aspires to obtain and strive toward through his teaching and leadership. The passion, dedication and commitment to the art of Scorpion Karate and the United Scorpion Karate-do Association by Master Issachar Master James demonstrates the benefits of the right attitude and Tenants we stand by: Self Control, Courage, Opportunity, Respect, Perseverance, Integrity and Obviate. Master James also demonstrates the benefits of the right attitude and Oath we stand by in the United Scorpion Karate-do Association which is: Loyalty, Dedication, Duty, Obligation and Honor.
Master Issachar M James began training in the Martial Arts in 1987 under Grand Master Robert L. Smith 10th Dan of Bryant Texas College Station, Tiger Den. Grand Master Robert Smith was the first Instructor to take in Master Issachar M. James student in the art teaching one on one lessons. Master James continued his training knowing his goal were to one day follow his role model who he studied and admired, Bruce Lee who is the Founder of (Jeet Kune Do). Master I.M James goal were to one day be inducted into the Society of Soke and be remembered as a founder of a unique art. During the course of his career. Master James then Began training in a variety of styles and systems with well-known Instructors, Masters and Grand Masters such as: Master Kim of the International Taekwondo Federation, Master David Koda / Michael Piercen of U.S Yoshukai Karate, Grand Master Han Min Kyo of World Taekwondo Alliance, Professor Gallop Franklin of Goju Ru Karate who advised Master James tremendously, Instructor Jack Scanlon of International Taekwondo Alliance & American Taekwondo Association, Grand Master Willis of Ohdukwan & Aikido, Joe Siler of Mojukai Karate a system designed from U.S Yoshukai Karate. Master I.M James also received private lessons and trained intensively in styles such as: Wushu kung fu, Hapkido, Muay Thai & Sport Kickboxing. Master James is also a member in good standing with (IMAF) the Independent Martial Arts Federation a worldwide Association under Grand Master Robert S. Shook, Grand Master Russell Staurt & GM Kirk Simmons. Master I.M James has also received seminar training under Grand Master Bill Super Foot Wallace “Kickboxing” & Sifu Rob Moses of Taishan Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Master James has competed in State, Regional, International & World Karate and Taekwondo Tournaments around the world. He is known as a 10 Time Grand Karate Champion and Taekwondo medalist. Master James also competed in full contact underground sanctioned fights. Master Instructor / Soke, (Founder) Issachar M James, after beginning his training in 1987-1997 was called upon by the media from the Troy Progress News Paper. Master James was asked to give an interview of his unique system and style of Martial Arts, Scorpion Karate-do. This Interview on August 17, 1997 made the largest Article and Headlines in the Troy, Al Progress Newspaper located in Pike County. Master Issachar M. James on January 1, 2005 after 18 years or more training, decided to join the Independent Karate Schools of America (IKSA) an International and Worldwide support and sanctioning organization. This Organization has been established for over 35 plus years or more.
By joining the IKSA this Organization allowed the Scorpion Karate-do & Kickboxing to be charted by IKSA with Founder Grand Master Floyd Burk. The IKSA also consist of Directors such as: Grand Master Danny Chapman, (Grand Master Bernie Fritz “In Memory of”), Grand Master Doug Welsh, Grand Master Lisa Heitke and more. On March 2, 2005 Master I.M James opened his first USKA Martial Arts Academy to the public in Enterprise, Alabama. In doing so, Master James became one of the youngest Martial Arts Instructors and Business Owner in the Wiregrass Area. Master James wanted to make sure that his art evolved into an effective method of un-armed self – defense system also with understanding & knowledge of weaponry being in today society. Scorpion Karate-do is a system which took over 18 years before opening its first Martial Arts Dojo by Master Issachar M. James. Soke, Master I.M James after several years is still currently a member in good standing with the (IKSA). Soke, Master Issachar James has over 35 Years of training/Instruction and Martial Arts experience.

What is Scorpion Karate-do you may ask yourself? First and foremost, Scorpion Karate-do to Soke, Issachar M. James is a Ministry, Secondly a sport, thirdly an exercise Discipline program. Scorpion Karate-do is the most effective method of “weapon training” & unarmed self – defense in which directed or focused blows of the hands and feet accompanied be special breathing and shouts that are dealt from poised positions. This Art is a Japanese based Martial Arts known as Karate which dates back more than 1000 years in Eastern Asia. This is also a Korean based Martial Arts known as Taekwondo that dates back Hundreds of years to Tae-Kyon in Korea which evolved to an International Art. With these Martial Arts styles combined and revised into one system and with the study of the movements of Scorpions, Master James has developed a unique style of Martial Arts Known as Scorpion Karate-do. Today, Scorpion Karate-do is known as The United Scorpion Karate-do Association. A company and Association of martial artist and member schools.
Master I.M James also has developed a complete Kickboxing program which includes the fighting styles of Karate-do, Taekwondo & Muay Thai known as Scorpion Kickboxing. Scorpion Kickboxing implements techniques that will teach you how to develop balance, endurance and so much more. You as a student of the art will learn how to combine different training aids to develop power, speed and accuracy the essential of USKA, therefore creating balance all at once. Scorpion Kickboxing teaches you proper blocking middle kicks, head kicks, evading and blocking front kicks, countering kicks, kicking attacks with counters and countering hands. This unique style of Kickboxing, the fighting system of Scorpion Karate-do, will strengthen the parts of the body in order to learn, Master and achieve all necessary movements in order to effectively apply USKA techniques. By doing so, each USKA student will develop Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding of the Art in Scorpion Karate-do. Master Issachar James is also the Founder/Director of the Alabama Martial Arts Alliance (AMAA)

Master Issachar James is also a member and certified instructor of IKSA with Grand Masters and Master Instructors that he has trained with and taught in numerous International seminars with that teach a variety of styles such as:

Grand Master Floyd Burk

Grand Master Bernie Fritz

Grand Master Danny Chapman

Master Lisa Heitke

Grand Maste Mark Shuey Sr